FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

I made one about my trs to make it obvious it was me

I woke up from… fainting, more or less.

Where was the memes

Guys you are just supposed to vote the green check meme



You’re right. I do need to take more care with that.

True. I voted for the second one.

Wasn’t pinged you suck

Where are the memes

Iso dark joycat

it’s too late doesnt matter

oh yeah this one
yeah i voted for 2

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Is the deadline for voting over?

Google how do I dislike a post.


Yes i couldnt say which one was mine before

Okay good then I can probably say I voted for meme 2?

the best meme was the second one

I am 2

Good good


i got my whole dead wolves teams go vote one to spite you

Apo probably isn’t a hit but we need to kill the POE so

Burn it. Burn it all

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