FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

can wolves dayvig me

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a remember that if we go down to 12p we’re still probably winning

i really want to kill insomnia

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Do not


i want too


do we all have an ITA today again


murder! murder! it’s the worst thing

i’m not really contributing value either way it seems, my shot is used, my NAs have no further impact

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Eliza i am shooting you if you do

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are the shots open

I’m also doing this just because Achro wants to do it

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don’t shoot

Yes but hold

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Whoever has OSU map today, please tell me what map it is and what score it is.

I want to see how realistic it is to reach this points.

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yes for the next 30m

yes but we’re taking a breather

everyone calm down and be good to one another

we are still well ahead and a few misses does not change that

it only becomes a problem if people panic and let themselves get too emotional


ur contributing by being fun and i like u :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: