FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

i was confused by them claiming they got another save today though that made no sense

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do you get “mana” for ashlyn’s shop by being in the dnd event?

someone just shoot them lmao

shop wasn’t open d1

i was osu’d d1 before i bought anything

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no because atlas got osu’d pre-shop

can i just shoot sabi

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if its v u can all murder me idc

No I got mana and I have no idea what the d&d thing is

Yeah go for it who cares its a mash


sure why not
it also explains why they kept saying non consecutive

@Atlas can you send me name of song again and score, I want to try it now that I have tools.

honestly sure i want more b l o o d

That seems weird.

I don’t like that
I don’t like your claim.

how do you get mana tho

/ITA Sadbi @Dark_Joycat

A role being able to practically delete a role D1 is…something

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if its v you let arctic down
but i have zero read

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Based I will do it just because it’s funny if they are in fact a villager

(This is a lie)

ashlyn says they just target someone to give it to them at (night?)