FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

Never hazard
Never jane
Never catbae
Never windy
Never atlas
Never amelia
Never Leafia

Boosting this. This the correct list Achro?


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Litten. Ita a scum tomorrow

Get gud


My secret is that I like cats a bit too much.


Good. ^_^ I agree with it 1p0%

This is villagery huh

just reminding everyone in case it got lost in the shuffle that wolves wont be receiving role cop from me today/tonight, they wont be receiving anything of value. they’ll receive info on my past and future peeks (as in the targets) (and probably result)

wolfy pop in

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(J. Edgar Hoover is the first director of the F.B.I, and also well known for denying the existence of organized crime for almost all of his time directing and also being misogynistic)

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Btw if Frost/Eliza/Hippo somehow read this, you three were too good at D&D to even give me the chance of throwing, so good on you three <3

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hey nuto
if i had a day doc why should i save you

if you had a day doc saving him seems like a good idea since he’s probably town

Remember when chloe said to call off the strike on marl
Pepperidge farm remembers

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awww you’re so adowable and innoceentttt, kitttyyy


I can make it less likely for people to hit their ITA shots. Not just on me but on anyone.

I never did that what

my apathy turned back on let the man die


claim exact role