FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 4] - [d3] [20 alive] Session Canceled

are the shots open

I’m also doing this just because Achro wants to do it

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don’t shoot

Yes but hold

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Whoever has OSU map today, please tell me what map it is and what score it is.

I want to see how realistic it is to reach this points.

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yes for the next 30m

yes but we’re taking a breather

everyone calm down and be good to one another

we are still well ahead and a few misses does not change that

it only becomes a problem if people panic and let themselves get too emotional


ur contributing by being fun and i like u :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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im not being fun im being mean:(

Yeah its chill we are way way ahead

Lets think about a poe without gghana and nuto who are dead


I just wanna bring up that everytime we’ve said “ashlyn exists” we’ve just immediately forgotten about ashlyn


i think she can fall off in WIM as town and does a lot, but she’s not a lock town

oh yeah thats a horrible post

We killed magnus and min for terrible posts

min had good posts you’re just mad

i dont think ur being mean ur just like a smol puppy who is biting and isnt letting go. ur still a puppy. pat pat

its literally just her role holding her up and even then i can see it as a wolf role