FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantaneously killed (real)

Moderrors, Modkills, and Such

  • benguinedparbeque was originally Pigeon (Mafia Role) but was never added to the wolf PM. guavagudetama (Town Sulit Role) was accidentally added to the wolf PM. Given that guava could have seen the entire wolf team, we could not allow them to remain a member of the town. So, guava received Pigeon (Mafia Role), but we couldn’t just give Sulit (Town Role) to benguinedparbeque because wolves knew that benguinedparbeque was supposed to be their teammate. Pigeon had the Town guavagudetama Role, and, for reasons, gave him the Sulit role. The guavagudetama role was destroyed because otherwise Pigeon could hard confirm benguinedparbeque as Town, and we gave benguinedparbeque a brand new role: Marshal. Guava had seen the Sulit role which meant a member of the Mafia would know from Night 0 about the Sulit role that they otherwise should not have known so we added a new passive to the Sulit role (The Notorious L-I-T) to make it clear that Mafia had knowledge of that role.
  • iamagummybear spoke about the game post-rand in front of benguinedparbeque without realizing they were also in the game, and inadvertently implied they were a member of the Town. Our choices were modkill or replace both players, or take, erm, more drastic measures to allow benguinedparbeque to continue playing. Furthermore, iamagummybear’s role, Town Prophylaxis, was important with regards to the Mafia Zone_Q11 Role that had negative implications for Town if it was killed N0. In an effort to minimize damage to the game state, and damage Town’s equity as little as possible, iamagummybear was modkilled, and benguinedparbeque received another new role, Town Prophylaxis Frankenrole, a combination of the Marshal role we made hours before and the Prophylaxis role by just stapling the former’s only action onto the latter. The Marshal flavor was removed from the game once again (we contemplated allowing benguinedparbeque to keep both, but we figured questions like “how come Mom let you have two characters?” would unfairly put them in a tough spot).
  • We missed two sheep answers which had minor results (had we got them in achro would have been 2nd and vulgard 3rd, instead of vice versa)
  • We accidentally forgot to post crazynuto’s self-track on night 1
  • We forgot to send Frostwolf a fruit for an entire cycle
  • On day 2, we forgot to roll an ITA with advantage against Frostwolf (we processed it as a regular ITA)
  • thepigeonnyc was modkilled for this thread: Doing a little something

We were hyping up a deepwolf in uninformed spec chat it was a great bit. They all heard the tales of how [REDACTED] was going to unleash the reckoning upon town any day now. With a little bit more luck, she could have. Shoutout [REDACTED]

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this is so scuffed oh my god
in a way he WAS the lost wolf u guys we did it @an_gorta_slanktai @catbae


Gg i was katze

Thanks for the wonderful game. Wonderful hosts and wonderful players


im sorry but this was really funny lmao


thx for subbing in, was surprised and happy to hear you were interested :heart:

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modkilled for posting the bee movie is an fol classic


nice to meet you tuutuu sorry i was a dummy day 3

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Elden beast

hey it gave me the funny role and made me somewhat confirmed town

you were really fun to play with thanks for subbing

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i am not angry

very happy with the few mistakes we made

setup ama time I guess


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Ask me any setup question and I will answer

How did Pigeon’s thread break game integrity specifically?

Trivia gaming

mafia factional stuff?

would you have banned me if I actually revealed information after losing the mahjong bet