FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantaneously killed (real)

this was supposed to go up at SoD


Diss Tracks

Players: Unlimited
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Yes
Duration: Event submissions are due in the first 12 hours of the day. Voting will happen after that.
Other Notes: The winning submission will be announced, but not who submitted it.

How to Join:

Submit your diss track privately on the forum in a PM to @Dark_Joycat .

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private

So what do I actually do?

  • Submit a diss track based on the events of this game in some way. Please read the restrictions below.
  • You only need to send us the lyrics – since this is an anon event, you should not record yourself actually singing it.


  • You may not claim, soft, or imply which diss track was yours until after voting has concluded.
  • You must follow forum rules about toxicity towards other users. Keep it friendly and light-hearted.
    • Exception: As long as it is related to the events of the game, you may flame the hosts as much as you want (within the forum rules – but we will be much less strict about this than insults targeted towards players).

yo yo yo the hosts are dumb (i dont mean it)

Ya sup

I am willing to bet half of these will be about my read of leafia

one moment

i feel too bad doing this event so i am not gonna do it

i have basically told nuto that if he has anything he wants to say to everyone i can say it here. our neighbourhood is always open

@catbae @an_gorta_slanktai

Admiral’s Log 0

I have randed wolf in FAM3 and as I look at my team I admit this might be an uphill battle, as several of my team members don’t feel confident in their scum abilities. However, Marl is a good wolf so he should be able to help me with actions and the like, and it is my second chance to mentor Leafia as scum so I am sure I can protect her organically for at least a little bit. I have yet to be executed as a wolf on FoL,so I doubt this is going to be the first time. Although a random town KP might come my way. It’s a little weird that I got my own flavor as a wolf, but I guess if it is true randomed it was bound to happen to someone. I think Mafia Godfather who auto wins if he is the sole surviving wolf at final 9 is a little OP, but surely I won’t be able to end game with so many people paranoid of me, right?

Admiral’s Log 1

Ok, so Marl fucked up before I could even enter the thread jfc. I said I would want to cancel the drone under the pretense that I like playing with marl, but I don’t think catbae is around or cares what I have to say. Well, that’s not ideal but then again neither was the start of Umineko and I won an award for that one.

Admiral’s Log 2

Creature died day 1, which is fine as I was more than willing to bus him since he is so polarized. I got a good interaction with him in before he had too much momentum so that’s really the most I could have asked for given everything. Going to kill Vulgard and Arctic tonight before they have too much time to realize that I am pulling the strings, and Vulgard has recently wolfed with me so he knows how my brain thinks as scum better than most now.

Admiral’s Log 3

Garfooled was killed over night… great. After he had posted 6 times. Thanks for the college try, Garfooled. Oh well I wish he had listened to me about posting more but nothing that can be done about that now. Daeron being targeted to die also makes sense with how little he posted. We’re really not off to a good start to this game but I am largely town read, and all things are possible through Wolf Achro leading. Also Arctic got saved, which is unfortunate.

Admiral’s Log 4

lol died in ITAs, which isn’t surprising at all given that he barely did anything day 1. I feel like there is an echo chamber in these logs off mine. ‘Barely posted, was killed.’ You can’t exactly win games against a hyperactive town if you aren’t willing to do anything. I was prepared to kill lol myself for credit but insomnia beat me to the punch by a matter of seconds. Also for some reason someone killed Daeron who was already dying. Which, fine I guess. I tried to tell Gorta to give ITA shots instead of fruit vendors to people who did his tasks but he ignored me. I hope he enjoys getting run over by the bus I have prepared for him.

Admiral’s Log 5

Brad was jester. That’s funny. Gorta played my suspicion of him off super well and we look obviously unaligned now. The bad news, of course, is we lost our Vig to ITAs. This means I have to keep Leafia alive through day 3 although with my track record of reading her that shouldn’t be a problem.

Admiral’s Log 6

I couldn’t protect Kork’s lack fo posting any more and he was ITA’d as well. Sigh. I try so hard to protect my KP and all they do is disappoint me time after time. I don’t think even I can carry this team tbh, but I am having fun in scum chat posting memes so that’s really all I can do. Mashes are meant to be fun, and I’ll just be satisfied if I can get close to my goal of winning in final 9. Going to be an uphill climb though at this rate.

Admiral’s Log 7

They killed Italy, who was very obvious and very inactive at that point. I had hope to make them at least use the day’s execution on the slot but no such luck. For being a whole country he sure didn’t post a lot of content.

Admiral’s Log 8

So, in what is probably a stupid idea I instructed Leafia to poisson Gorta for cred. I don’t really know how much that’s going to do but it did contribute to a triple kill for scum which was really great except fo the fact that I am scum. May did their best but they just didn’t have a ton of energy this game and Guava not reading scum chat before posting in topic majorly fucked us, as they were pretty deep relatively speaking. On the flip side though, today I found out that Zorvo scanned me night one which is hilarious. Maybe, just maybe, I can pull this off. I am down to only a couple scumbuddies but there is a lot of low hanging fruit to go after.

Admiral’s Log 9

I am pleased to report that Litten and Catbae are spending hours going after members of town in this chat of ours. Good, good. Let the town blood flow in the streets day 3 to mark the turning of the tide in our favor.

Admiral’s Log 10

Day 3 just concluded and as I predicted the rivers ran red with the blood of town. Unfortunately everyone realized somewhat in unison that EV.0 was obvious mafia but I knew that was going to happen eventually. Just got to keep it steady and hope people don’t get too paranoid as the numbers continue to tick down. We’re getting close now. So close.
Admiral’s Log 11

I walked through Leafia on an expert’s level distancing plan before letting Litten kill my now useless KP. Everyone has more or less claimed, so her ability was expendable as I now sit alone in wolf chat with my thoughts and katze who keeps telling me what a nerd I am for monologuing so much. Still, I just got litten to blindly kill obvious town benguin so it isn’t the worst position I’ve ever been in, and there’s still a few fodder in the PoE before things get spicy. Even so, I have started to put pressure on Wazza as the other green check because what type of Godfather would even think to do that? Me, obviously, because I am me.

Admiral’s Log 12

Nutella asked me where my captain’s logs are and I chuckled. Me? The same rank as Sultan? Adorable. I am waiting until enough time has passed to where I could have plausibly written these after that request and posting it. Literally claiming my role and flavor in topic and winning anyway, this is going to be funny tbh.


my lord!

Obviously a joke and what I would have written if I were a wolf this game.



effort was made. power to you achro


you tried to vanalize a town but thankfully a town heroically roleblocked yoy

Truly fantastic

for confirmation
like what else do i do
the night psot made it very clear that the issue is that i had no confirmed night or day actions and i had a solution to that issue

you are honestly neo at this point

Yet you are not dead?


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