FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantaneously killed (real)

gargoyle tzaangor

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Oh :skull:

im buying noita along with some other games, have u played that one?

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counterpoint divinity original sin

the undertale one is cheap tho!

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not noita no

heard its good

Noita is cool

i say, having bought it and installed it but not having actually played it


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My steam library is full of games I’ve bought and not played yet lmao

i uh “installed” it once and i enjoyed it so now im actually buying it then installing it

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FTL sitting there very sad


I think I got a handful of DLCs and decided I’d get the rest later if i felt like it tbh

Divinity represents the mechanical side of what DnD is like

But the roleplay feel of DnD combat is dark souls

(I’m not entirely serious)

Anyway back to game
7. @Chloe
12. @nutella
15. @YouButWorse
16. @Zone_Q11

this is our poe of who stole charges from arctic

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I have so many multiplayer games I’ve bullied my friends into getting and then they never play them

honestly dark souls 2 combat is

so fucking stupid it fits dnd best

I couldve stolen charges


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I love being able to dual wield ridiculously large greatswords and just overhead slam and one-hit kill bosses

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You have Da Beast

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