FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantaneously killed (real)

well im in the mech poe
but now im not in any cuz i jsut got fuckin shot

conspiracy theory chloe silent shot herself knowing it would miss

u cant shoot urself!

omg guys I solve game

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Chloe :muscle: Me
Getting out the PoE by either doing or having something done to them that would never happened as the last mafia

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i dont really know what to say other than gopher it?

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if you die do people still get mana

Btw nuto wont talk to me in my neighbourhood. But he doesnt like nutella from wgat he told me yesterday during when i was thinking of night actions

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from holy, yes
ive already sent in my action for today so i think probably it should still go through?

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even if you die?

i assumed that was the implication, yes

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I’ll see what dream me thinks of this development

i dont think i… ever shoot chloe here as scum i think? but we have, what, a fourteen man lead?

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im fine with it nods
VOTE: Ashlyn

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why wouldnt you?

ash feels dead inside ngl

kinda sounds right from the last wolf

Chloe can you buy fire tonight solely to see what it does

i aint buyin shit from a wolf


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cause i have enough braincells to
not shoot at one of the two people keeping me in their poe who isnt mechcleared in a game that would be almost mechlocked otherwise?
and also that would mean i cant keep pinging you and litten every hour

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