FAM3: REDEMPTION [THREAD 5] - [d4 - TOWN WIN] FAM3 if Marluxion was instantaneously killed (real)

read that may progression

i am ignoring the thread to do research for my shot

Yes it is.

i don’t think anyone is saying you played bad. you’ve been fine tbh


God why couldn’t apo be like this yesterday


Apoc =/= apocryphal

Apoc is a different player, Apo is ApoThau or Apocryphal Thaumaturge

oh yeah ybw has partner interactions with leafia

I still think she’s town and you guys are gonna flip her as town


Okay… I’ll take this ending. I’m prepared now. I’ll shoot YBW → Leafia → nutella.

took 4 days but finally everyone is understanding apoc is someone else
good job team

you have 3 shats?

ITAs when

Also can 5ou guys just tell me if you want me to holster or not

Do it of get shot when I flip v. Your chouce.

Shoit Achro at this point Litten. To prove you’re town.

why did leafia point to chloe and then spitball me
and then vote me over chloe

windy who wolves

more posts

I don’t have forever, I have a time limit to submit my ability which is why I’ve made consistently bad choices