FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


you forget that my fatal flaw in eimm is that i’m too trusting

they were voting you
i dont think they had any concrete reason to

we should all band together to d1 spf

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VOTE: Ashlyn

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No I’m just the King
I think the effects of being the King are publicly known :joy_cat:

lets do this

mods how do i report someone for bullying?


The lack of town energy from you.

I dont listen to drake and idk who brent is

no! let them pocket me!

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okay first order of business for the unreaders: are we okay with the name unreader or do we want something else for our Cult…

Lmao may

by typing VOTE: Katze

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ok im getting terraria withdrawals bye

Interesting emphasis.

SPF getting votes this early surely makes her town.

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the only reason I hate the bys/brak read is because insomnia had a take on it that made me shiver.
But that is enough for now.

i should’ve known not to ask a texan about artists of this caliber…

they (wrong person sorry)