FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

I think my refusal to fps is my least fol trait

I saw that in pokemash 3 so sure

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can you elaborate on said methods, please
i dont think youve been particularly towny if you know how to play mafia wellish

No I just said that logic is bad regardless of what I am

wow im outed mafia!

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The way he worded it was dripping w wolf read tyvm.

And do tell

I’m so good at the game


an smidge of sanity in this forsaken place

Maybe I’d care about reading selkie if they told me who they were

honestly if it makes me a target I’m fine with that because my role is from fucking genshin impact so like how valuable can i really be to town

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also I am in the boomer guild this was rigged.

bc there were like 6+ trs one of them gotta be a teammate if shes wolf

Get rekt loser

thats val u dumb dumb

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why tf did everyone but me get a guild

but not touching you would be homophopic too.
What do?