FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Brakuren can go fuck himself because reading anything with any kind of scheme or structure or pattern hurts my head like really badly

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Nut is townie, I’m not ready to move my read on SpF to townie, and I’m not ballsy enough to vote them on day 1

what’s 2/50? Something happens when you make 50 posts?

y post cap

performative w/w :hmmyes:

If I can get like two per day I think I can probs win, plus I can give a cookie to someone who super likes my posts each night

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Sorry chat my Super Like is already spoken for

hallia is kind of towny, i’ll sheep dya when they get here
oh wait

me when the neut gives me a cookie so mafia can arson ignite me

also, what the fuck is this post

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You’d like to know that wouldn’t you, you wolf.

Is super liking like a mechanic, because I’ve never heard of that on FOL


im convinced the cookies are a lie and no one can convince me otherwise

bait or wolf

You named four.

wisp town but actually for real this time

It’s mech, please read the first few posts after the OP

apparently it is

Why do FOLers refuse to read op

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