FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

it might actively be too wild to be fake ur not wrong

but like, that felt like the most obv unpairing itg to me already

1 Like

Wait do I know ashlyn?

Apocry top posting on mobile is wild

the thought of making reads on these people scares me


Super Likes Announcement

Super Likes Post Recipient
1 #1647 Dum
1 #1602 Ranta
1 #2399 SirDerpsAlot

No that’s false. I reeval after a while.

Why am I catching strays

I am


Built different

1 Like


Because funny

What happened to the other super likes

@Apocryphal that was you wasan’t it

30% human 15% feline 65% Black Mage

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I was just going to wait till like 40-50 people were left and then if I haven’t won ill try to solve a little bit probably

OK ur wolf again

she was formerly known as aelin i think you’ve played w her before

idt u would on d1 unless he made some omega howlers

1 Like

i can math

So that was almost certainly given by hippo, right?

lame superlikes!!!
