FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

this is a slightly +town post, nothing else zug has posted resonates with me much

secret feline name we don’t speak in public.

Someone said roblox?

true how come i’ve never thought of that

wolf behaviour



Magnus - The justification for this read is: Soulread
an_gorta_slanktai - The justification for this read is: Soulread
Creature - The justification for this read is: Soulread
Leafia - The justification for this read is: Soulread

Garfooled - The justification for this read is: Soulread

Did you catch all the woofies? Did you catch all the woofies? Oh yes you diiiiiiiiid :blush: baby baaaaaby nuttie caught allll the woofies oh yesss she diiiiiiid :blush: so cute :blush:

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Wolfing isn’t real, we’re actually all town

The mods are LYING TO US

this post has me rolling actually


oh it was on mafiascum yes we have played

woah, colors, this must be town.


but honestly? so true.

Yes. I did say that. Wacky communities in that world.

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tutuu, dont like that post, it was sarcastic.



oh are they really

i only saw #2937 from them and opened their iso to read like 3 more posts and guessed they were jan

Why do I not have a read smh

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you are giving me ideas.

yes that’s totally reasonable, but if she did that as town, she would just own up to it rather than pretending her mistake was actually a secret secondary read all along


im not sure what the issue is? i had the thought that you were paired when i skimmed something, and then didnt remember it when i actually had the exchange with you lol

i could prob go back and figure out what made me initialy have the association tho