FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

awesome ty ur locktown :3

i feel worried if somebody told me something funny or showed affection earlier and i didnt see and if they thought im ignoring them. i havent purposefully ignored anybody if that happened. im drowning in posts

Sap. I had a dream that Insomnia was a wolf.

Just quote the post.

i dont think they’re brave enough to do it as w/w

I did already and my ISO is actually relatively short but sure

Firinn, Millium, cape, creature, insomnia all towny so far, gonna add Kii, Luxy, Carroty and Apo, and I’m starting to come around on SPF actually.
I’ll hazard a light townlean on Ranta for prob not the best reasons.
I feel like Magnus could go either way?
Got pings from jail but it’s not a hill I’d die on.
Still think Brak might be wolf but it’s hard to tell because of the poetry posting tbh, I don’t have any tone to go off.
Brad is either a wolf or trying to get himself yeeted, likely just a wolf.


me and who? i dont follow

when I did i got no video

stick promised a read “tomorrow”.
According to pokemash neil as wolf is worried of stick reads.

kind of worried i dont have a read on hallia yet

didn’t read it

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I’m gonna read it but from what I’m seeing from other ppl these seem like inaccurate reads on Brad so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he’s probably town already


oh wait you are talking about yourself here

speak of the devil

The entire post.

That is uhhm pretty much not what’s going on here, and quite lame

im dum

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Tbf that’s never a real townread from him, it’s either a pocket attempt or a simp depending on his alignment lol

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im talking about may and zugzwang; may is a player. i don’t think both of them are mafia