FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

That’s probably because it is, and I don’t see how that would be a wolf tell in this situation.


kyo sucks

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Ok bet

He’s firmly in town meta, he’s involved, his tone is good, and we seem to be vibing with some similar reads

He’s town imo

Excuse me?

the events are rigged
its propaganda

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hallia why am i a sprout i need u to write it out so i can post it in #funny-posts

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It’s Baudib1.

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like we get to rule over the game with an iron fist?

the person i forgot the name of probably won

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i won trivia apparently

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XD no


i’m resisting the temptation to make an ill advised joke (who’s boob)

Yeah that’s not a good look I agree

if I kill Jinrou before the results come out do I win

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back to mech

Ok thanks

That is bad yikes.

Everything can be a wolf tell if you dream hard enough

I mean who runs a trivia event during pride month and doesn’t have a lady gaga question? this is homophobic and rigged. I want a refund.

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