FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Yoo did the game rules get deleted i cant find it

cuz when katze did it earlier you were kinda like “weh i dont like that” about it, so waht’s the difference

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Just so everyone knows
There are two Marls in the shows
Marluna and Marlixion
Better correct now, rather then later on


I’m sorry dum did a coffee tell I can’t change my mind there :disappointed:

my v soft and underconfident reads:
wolf: brakuren, neil_the_eil, nutella, sadbi, (either catbae or spf), katze, nutella, creature, silverkeith, may, brad
town: carrotyreaper, atlas, cape90, magnus, windwardaway, daeron, luxy, ashlyn


btw I didn’t mention it at the time but I think hehehehehblazing person is wolf entirely because they asked someone else if they should move their vote away from WWA and onto another person
there was no decisiveness

He’s an alignment.

I’m not going to attempt to read their because if I’m wrong I don’t want to deal w the blowback

why does no one respect my 3p claim

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eh yeah true i guess that u feel active in terms of ur ~presence/influence even tho u havent posred that much


if you seriously claimed 3p can you ping me the post so i can add to the summary?

I don’t care?

Yeaaaa I hate their read on creature. Their response to me asking if it was AI or creature indicative was wolfy


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But you aren’t worried about having such confident reads on C7 and Creature?


It’s my towny aura leaking through my exhaustion tbh. It cannot hold me down.

lock me town coward.

because i’m the 3p