FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

you do it, guy with dayvig

does anyone here townread may
i wanna talk about it if somebody does

wtf leave neil alone he’s towny.

VOTE: neil

stop bad

a lot of people seem to be posting reads, and lucky for you all, i have a habitual fear of disappointing people AND a compulsive need to not feel left out
i see some scum in
may (to be clear, this existed before my most recent interaction with them)
tris (from very early on, bad initial vibe from their like, first 20 posts but i dont know what they usually act like so who knows) (yes this is fencesitting, sue me)

most of these are kinda just… straight up vibereads? im using “i havent played in a year” as my cover for not knowing how to play mafia, despite the fact that this is pretty much the exact same way i played before i stopped

im annoyed by all of the people who went “im getting on windward and not going off” but thats not particularly an AI thing, more just a “what the actual fuck. i would enjoy some amount of cohesion here. thanks.” but its not like i actually PUSHED for cohesion much so i dont know how valid that is.

something very interesting is that wazza has not like
interacted at all with me thusfar despite us both being in thread at the same time
i have a read with tro which is that, as scum, tro tries as hard as possible to interact with me VERY little, and im curious if theres anything like that going on here or if its just that wazza realized that they forgot to wish me a happy birthday and are hiding from me in shame now

they hate me for my silly wolf claims and roggenrola swag

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he’s one of like 3 people I bothered to iso, neil’s fine

I think I do?

I can’t really substantiate it right now.

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unironically could be a wolf role that has to communicate in some way that they’re lost wolf to their scumteam

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vaguely but its just vibes lol

i kinda felt like they were just telling the truth earlier ig

also @spf i hate to admit it but i think u mighta just locktowned urself to me gg

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What’s ur leafie read

Who’s this about?

Ill also say im like always wolf read when im town LMAO

It cant be that expensive i get scam called from india so much they must make a profit somehow

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why don’t you roggenrola yourself to bed bucko

those. answers dont particularly strike me with confidence

Or well in general


neil openly claiming that they’re lost wolf kp