FAM4: Battle for the Cookie Thread (SIGNUPS)


Sabi recruited me


Omg is that THE alexandra??

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(recruited by Ash)

Recruiting Leaderboard (winner gets a forum title):
5 Sadbi
4 Eliza
4 Catbae
3 Atlas
1 Ash

The race is heating up

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What happens if we hit 70

(The site breaks)

@katze can I recruit @Katze_is_my_mommy

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I will be happy


you cant play on two accounts

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Glad to see ya’ here.

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Sabi has a lot of victims to invite

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I’m not that account

But we beat FAM2’s playercount record last year as well. If there’s an annual exponential incline, when are we going to reach triple digits?

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That sounds like a simple regression model problem. What’re the player counts for the past three FAM games?

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47 54 58

it rised by 7 and then by 4, which matches the number of the first, which was 47

i was waiting so long to have the opportunity to talk about that


cute wittle atlas sitting on her silly wittle math fact :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:


Ok, then, uh, exponential thing says we’re capping out at our current total of 61.

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We need 64 people for the exponential model to propose a three-digit large game during FAM19.

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