FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

That was a good rhyme, I’ll give you that xD
But yeah that just backs my point, some people are talking and not voting. And the reason im curious is because if you’re a wolf, maybe they’re also wolves trying to keep the heat off you, but if you’re town (or anything that isn’t a wolf, for that matter), maybe it’s wolves hanging back and waiting to see if your wagon catches on so town can take the blame instead.
…basically I kinda think the people talking about voting you but not voting you could be wolves. But that’s what I got for skimming whatever part of the thread I’ve been present for, cause i missed like the first 40 or so minutes of the game.

I literally voted someone who I saw posting just because I felt like it

If I vote catbae I’ll start another annoying discussion

Uhhh basically spf is wolfy from meta
Creature is town off meta
Bunch of muers are arguing about reads

Leafia is always wolf until we hang them for always being wolf. Therefore, we just ignore them until they get N1 copped by half the lobby


you’re more fun to shoot at


“Sabi I’m gonna be fr w u I’m a wolf”

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This is not a new read and I don’t believe that he has never before made a single post attempting to replicate it as a wolf.


That could be a point

But nya


oh that makes more sense. i thought it had something to do with me asking why im townread which i have no idea why that would be scummy

if I have a gun I am shooting SK tonight just because I can btw

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Luxy town ez


Has wolf creature been able to recreate this energy

Yeah I ain’t in the mood of doing am event rn, especially when I am mobileposting and barely keeping up with thread

That has never stopped you before!
Creature on a leash!

VOTE: Brakuren
