FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

it’s a readlist they are a roleplayer


Jfc this is so townie.

I could give more complex reads if I’m not on phone.

This is phone SK. This is poco X3 pro sk.



Path of Radiance

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is garden good or bad??


seems like i got progression cased

tutuu’s opener was distinctively nai because theyve said it a ton of times before

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i feel like this functionally means the same thing for the purpose of how i was reading ur treatment of me

How do i post images from urls i need neopets customization advice




I believe this. Tutuu town

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it means they have a opinion on you bad or good

when has that ever worked on day 1

Atlas wolf

Yeah but it’s funny to call them a wolf for it

Fire lots of fire

yeah that explains a lot in hindsight lol

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do you have a reason this time

nice i got a pocket

aright nutella make sure to NK Keith tonight