FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

chat is going so fast no one will notice im gay


I will just villaread anyone that reminds me of a botc player.

Zugzwang and Kanave so far.

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gay ass

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why do you scumread art
they’ve read fine to me

ok ignore me then
idk what im talking about

VOTE: carrot

Rusty I am, 'tis true my friend.
Yet hopeful my skill will start to mend.

I hope this isn’t mafia bait
Where if I rhyme I shall be…ate?


There’s 80 of us. You can’t hide from us all

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My brain is melting from reading anything said about the actual game…

kana is literally the opposite of a botc player

towny as in, you think it was towny for me to say this? or as in it’s towny to claim?

Big text yes. I want to be noticed

effective strat they are outside of their natural habitat so they are bad

blatant pandering works :3

(I think the system only counts 1 per post though)

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@Magnus Why did you townread my miller claim but ignore Ash’s?

they claimed miller after me

90% shitposting and 10% truth

you guys are of no help :/



this and the upcoming announcement were supposed to be posted at SoD but we forgot

Players: Unlimited
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Maybe?
Duration: Submissions close 1 hour before the end of the day
Other Notes: N/A

How to Play:

  • Privately submit propaganda for your Guild!
  • If you are not part of a Guild, you may submit propaganda for any guild.
  • Spec chat will vote overnight on which guild’s propaganda was the best. The winning guild will receive three Cookies at the beginning of the next day.
  • Guild leaders may select up to three pieces of propaganda to be posted publicly.
  • All propaganda must be your own work. You may not have another person, or an image generator, create propaganda for you.

How to Join:

  • Propaganda should be submitted privately in your rolecard.
  • Each player may submit one piece of propaganda per day.

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private, apart from your role PM.


are you sure about this? :P