FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

I don’t think he’s reacted at all?


But can we lunch you? :3

i like hallia pushing her read here

Frozen and crying in wolf chat

jesus lol last FAM we only needed 1 thread for day 1 this is going to be rough

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I don’t know whether to Feel Offended by this or just Stare Quietly and Laugh Along

do you have a particular reason

That’s kind of what I mean? From what I read he was just living his life and doing a little shitposting

i am all for yeeting boob1

Thank you for your input

:sparkling_heart: I’m so glad you’re here

if this person is mafia im retiring form mafia i swear in my life unironically. i would bet every single thing i had on him being town

Yeah he’s unbothered because he hasn’t made a single post since being called out as wolfy

VOTE: brad

They probably aren’t on my team so they can probably die

Praise be :pray: he literally cannot be trusted

im all in. btw if i die n1 again, please immediately vote him out

VOTE: Baudib1

I can get behind that!

Not really retired, I just play kinda infrequently and I don’t post as much as I used to
