FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

ok so I’m looking at alexandra’s er the ending might be wrong posts and it is weird they changed vote like four times and didn’t really seem to ask anything about why from what I can see and publically claimed they were sheeping somebody which either fits the part of a overwhelmed townie or a wolf trying to seem like sheeping somebody so it’s the other person that takes the blame imo

Gonna be annoying if it is false alarm

So is Brad now cleared by meta?

Not that I’ve seen

Bro it’s a couple hours into d1 neither

no b ut like he’s not outed either

No. I’m willing to bet at least one wolf, probably two, are on his wagon right now.

oh is it ih? I feel like I catch ih in turbos all of the time when they are wolfing

my confidence GROWS

He made one earlier which Sadbi called locktown.

Leafia/Brad probably never W/W purr

Meh I thought he would be outed halfway through the day

What are your reads so far?

Brad or creature


@Atlas You’re smart. What are my towntells

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Brad is in the game by meta.

Anything else will be shown and why do you care?
this is 24/24.
No reason to jump the gun.

Relax and find an actual read of your own.

oh i take it back lmao

i felt like the read on nutella was a towny one but idfk anymore

Yah I just figured out how to click the little reply icon - I don’t think I’m willing to trust a lock on creature from anyone d1

I’m not so convinced, and I haven’t shot katze (I can’t yet), but if they continue fencesitting and posting weird I am going to

i would say i’m intelligent, mhm
but i would also know not to tell you this during d1 during a mash, even if youre town trying to mimic you being town

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How are you becoming a super sprout already