FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

But women are town…

Women… :cry: :cry: :cry: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

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Nya still feels townie

leave me alone!!!

no, i am powerwolfing you

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ok i support

farming superlikes ^

you bottom villager

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Bys* autocorrected to nya lol



nvm i found how yay

your challenge this game is to read a woman as a wolf. just 1


wolfy post


i feel like Jark in the games i’ve seen him in has usually made himself obvious town very quickly and whatever he is doing here is Not That

however I went back to check FAM3 and he was similarly shitposty and low content, but in a way that people still townread him off of. I think he’s slightly south of null so far this game but it’s a very thin read.

wisp why me :scream:

Women are explicity mafia, leafia said so

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i feel like every time i play mafia now i have 1-2 people obsessed with me begging for townreads

im not gonna defend u this game i see ur getting pushed have fun


This isn’t a real read, correct?

am i towb

VOTE: bystander

let’s build this wagon imo. can someone tell me if i write an abbreviated version, does that also work?

like vote bys instead of bystander

(every other scumread before this was either admitted omgus or for fun)

then you. drop it again

then you vote spf for readings sounding off

another statement of brak


more posting about spf

…then dropping it and voting creature with no explanation

you’re like a ping-pong ball

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