FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

No one in particular

silverkeith is wolfy because his avatar is kirby instead of a persona character

its like hes trying to use teh friendly kirby to buddy up to you and then eat you like a wolf

Um mods this is bias. Prejudice. Bias and prejudice

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why didn’t anybody tell me atlas got townier. who am i even voting rn it’s probs on some lame townmember

i was gonna tunnel on alexandra after reading her iso but thought this post was just a little bit towny

wow, that formatting is really…


is this read sheepable?

I hardclsimed my chsr and still not on summary … Time to hardclsim my role…

my purpose isnt to convince u lol

you didnt
you lied

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then why are you bothering talking to me

I played a BOTF game with him relatively recently where he cleared himself fairly quickly.

cuz its fun

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oh . well silverkeith is my mason so uhm

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The persona character didn’t look that good in the small circle

oh wolf masons

ok i don’t like this response tho
