FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

the events are rigged
its propaganda

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hallia why am i a sprout i need u to write it out so i can post it in #funny-posts

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It’s Baudib1.

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like we get to rule over the game with an iron fist?

the person i forgot the name of probably won

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i won trivia apparently

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XD no


i’m resisting the temptation to make an ill advised joke (who’s boob)

Yeah that’s not a good look I agree

if I kill Jinrou before the results come out do I win

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back to mech

Ok thanks

That is bad yikes.

Everything can be a wolf tell if you dream hard enough

I mean who runs a trivia event during pride month and doesn’t have a lady gaga question? this is homophobic and rigged. I want a refund.

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Marl vouched they are town

with the caveat that i havent actually had a problem with luxys posts:

this post feels w/w with spf fsr

just a SOULread

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That’s baudibs nickname on MU, apologies if anyone is upset by it

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@catbae not sure if u answered my question on kanave, or if I missed it, but do u have any thoughts on kanave?