It took me a moment to find my name
Fuck sake frost when has this ever worked
just know that i came incredibly close to posting WAAAAAAAAAAA here
3 is my favorite number so I think you are town . I am not lying
oh I meant like in general, not rn
generally FAM games have been much more productive though in FAM2 and FAM3 we had easy wolves we got big wagons on
BAUDIB111 !!
Who knows my meta
Frost and creating arbitrary groups of players in a mash
Name a more iconic duo
Smh Zug be a better boss
I feel like people wouldn’t speak in rhymes for no reason because it’s exhausting UNLESS it’s meant to be a fake soft but best to think of it like they are trying to do something with it rather than lying/memeing imo otherwise we just doubt everything that seems weird
Do not talk to me about that meta
Whew close one
If you aren’t nervous, then what’s so funny?
this is a first. :O
I feel like it is actually useful in a rand kind of way