FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

go on



no its real, its just I highly suspect it to originate from wolf mech

fair fair

VOTE: Artemis

Historically, the times Mist and me were both in the game we were always on different teams.

(Also she is voting a notorious low-poster.)

Nah I was just like not in thread at all today and I come from social games where if someone claims something we just hang them and if they are wrong we hang the other, it being a 1 for 1.

Magnus what is your hitrate for phrasing slips

huh. much to consider


well to be clear i wasn’t being serious at all i just metaread his entrance as scummy then changed my mind

I think you should check your facts on that.

Anyway I don’t think katze is outted as wolf. Gth they are probably town

i have nothing on you and you havent really granted me anything to do so, which i recommend if you’re still topwagon several hours from now

i’m pretty sure that she’s mafia

i might make a case if i feel like it

Gotcha. I was scum read for entering with “HELLO!” which I dont get :(

i think their early ISO is probably one of the worst out of all of the highposters? their shitposting extends dozens of posts, and i think the first thing that really bothered me was

theyre also honestly not adding really anything helpful to the thread for how much theyre posting and keep trying to draw attention back to themselves in a way that i really dont like because it doesnt invite actual discussion onto them
if we werent in fm id call it attention-grabbing (but using a worse second word) but since we are in fm im going to call it disrupting

There’s also. This post. I really, really dislike this post on so many different levels.

This was a bit after they were begging people to scumread them and it feels incredibly faked, like a preprogrammed response. It’s entirely possible that this is a joke that I’m missing but if it isn’t it’s one of the singular worst posts in the game AoRN. (To be clear, I don’t think this has any indication on Atlas’ alignment, so don’t try and skew it that way.)

(Also, to be clear, there is a specific reaction I am expecting from May as response to this. You don’t have to worry about this bit.)

okay so mild issue here
i literally just have his name written down in my notes app with nothing next to it
so something pinged me AT SOME POINT but i dont know what it is.
i think it might’ve been

theres also

none of their recent posts add much of value, despite the fact that nearly every one of them has “town” or “wolf” in them. theyre just throwing words at the wall and seeing what sticks.

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I dont understand this part, is it worded weirdly or is it me

did you wait for katze to leave before you made the read

why are we trying to vote for people that every mash I’ve seen where they are town they have been night killed.

that seems not productive.

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