FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

nuh un


i changed my mind jail is town

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i missed 250 posts to make those two responses.
kms frfr

Welcome to hell

Just post one of the #thousandth posts, and hope to be lucky…

you’re just a little guy who’s either an overwhelmed wolf or an overwhelmed town in either case i feel for you and i appreciate you

this u

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howdo iget rid of these ads

finally someone with a unique insult

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min is not someone who gets overwhelmed even if he doesn’t play as much as he used to

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Click on them

mariuna town

ALso how do i iso someone who hasnt talked recently

@Ashlyn Atlas also seems to be genuinely trying to solve my slot and has poked people to ask why they townread me

Wait are you isoing or just backreading everything

A pritty poor excuse mind you
It’s as easy as one plus two

reading me as mafia and reading tutuu as town is a crime that can only be forgiven with death

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(Plost twist: the next cookie will for the 9999th post…)

my read on wazza is they would be trying harder if mafia maybe probably

brakuren town