FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

damn rip but also i have to sleep soon anyway

if you’re on later @ me with your reads

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i also kind of think achromatic would’ve posted three times as much as he’s posted if he was town

and i dont even know how many times he’s posted

I was gonna fucking say

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this is also a misrep

i have shifted my read of her a couple times but you’re conflating that with my other responses

Yeah no I don’t believe you, this is a straight up lie and you’re a wolf. No shot you just HAPPEN to write Firinn instead of Jinrou, especially if you didn’t even mean to write my name at all. That’s not like… a typo lol, our names aren’t similar.

Can you explain on your wolfread on Leafia?

Wait what would be against the rules?

oh yeah and I liked luxy’s reaction to finding out about my title from last year. Not sure if it was actually towny but towny enough for me to like it d1 lol

no and you’re also a disappointment. get out of my sight

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Actually never mind stupid question I just sent that ignore that.

Why would they lie about that as a wolf?

The only ones i have atm is May/Kana are more likely town then not. Havent done any real reading yet

can i post a picture of my read spreadsheet

What the fuck.jpg

I mean im reading through it again and you were aggro on spf then time went and you were like “eh maybe you are real” then back to “spf is scum”

I was getting the quotes

I…think that’s allowed?

I can’t remember what rules are on FoL about that.

I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know you or Jinrou and I’ve gotten confused between you two about 3 times this game already so I apologise for that.

I already thought you were the person who won the event earlier and I was literally in that event with Jinrou.

Regardless, it’s just a typo and if it wasn’t, what relevance does it have

It’s just a slight one based off how quick she’s unvoted a couple of times.