FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


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That not trusting anyone on that wagon was saying that I didn’t townread anyone on the wagon, it wasn’t a split decision. I made it clear in a previously (or possibly just after) that we needed universally townread players on that wagon for the peek to be worthwhile, but honestly at this point I think maybe not. It may be useful for finding out (if Wind) is a wolf, who they are aligned with (if they claim that Wind is town from the peak).


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General muddying waters and spreading of confusion should be treated as wolf behaviour.

If you’re town then either don’t post read lists or post read lists that don’t contradict VERIFIABLE info from the public thread and have been basically checked that you are at least writing names that are SIMILAR to the ones you intended to write

Isnt there two events on atm

Unless you are both wolves…

Good job.

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Why are you so desperate for an event leafia

this is weird behavior to you?
Guess you havent noticed me do this in mashes when I am late on MU (i kinda read up when i got here based on post count because it was more convenient)

well at least you can do 1 thing right

?? What lol

creature appealing to thread consensus like that was slimy is what i meant by that

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events are fun thread is snooze

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I find it easier to believe that they made a genuine mistake as either alignment than that they were trying to cause confusion about something that could be verified as wolf.

I agree

I would find genuine mistakes easier to believe if it was similar names

Wrong pokemone but respect the answer

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From my understanding, the mistake was because you two are the only people who were in the event (their first major engagement with thread) that they aren’t familiar with.

I meant one that has a different thread created for it to play in it. That type of event.

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i’m unlikely to stick around for long because i’m just tired right now but for the time being i am here

i mistook like three names earlier, i think

i think its an easy mistake to make, theres a lot of people and names get jumbled