FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


Why would you read it that way what

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And people making excuses like this is exactly why it works fine as wolf behaviour.

Wolves can post blatantly false shit

If it gets called out then it was “just a mistake”

If it does not get called out then it just goes into the water, it maybe gets repeated by someone else who hasn’t read the entire back scroll, it starts a rumour that then might not even be traced back to the person that first floated it due to the chaos

Zero tolerance is the only approach in a game this large IMO

Now I’m starting to get worried about Achro. That isn’t a villagery thing for him to say given he knows I’m terrific at reading him.

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I feel somewhat confident on Wazza being town, mostly due to their insistence on mechanics over deep dives on reads.

I’ll agree with achro again on leafia kinda wolfy damn

Most hosts are American, so they usually make ecents I am unavalaible anyway…

I have a family tradition where it’s not a special day until a person has slept first.

E.G: Christmas it’s not Christmas until everyone has slept, it’s not a persons birthday until a person has slept.

So when I messaged you on your birthday, it wasn’t your birthday yet so I felt awkward saying happy birthday lmao and then for the rest of the day I was sleeping and hungover and forced to celebrate my sisters birthday with her boyfriend

the next time I checked dms with you it was october 5th and I never say happy late birthday as I always feel awkward but I did want to :(

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also this convo reminded me that even to this day you’re still the only birthday I have in my calendar LMAO

Nutella, can you give me an indication of your confidence level on Insomnia?

I am honestly just gonna locktown you for helping with summaries LOL

convenience when i click on the multi ISO button thing, idk it’s just something I do

the playerlist in OP is in alphabetical order so I could see someone looking at ISOs that way on here :man_shrugging:

i cant really ask for “all of them” when the explanations were mainly just vibes
your scrutinization method was fine and i didnt really have anything further to comment

i cant particularly verify meta on somebody i have almost zero experience with, but this seems… oddly easy to verify? which does call into question the thing with spf

i vaguely believe i remember a lack of this in one of her games, which i think was scum?

cape mafia

Had Leafia expressed a townread on Achro prior to this point? I feel like Leafia would typically say “Achro’s misreading me, he hasn’t done that before as evil, ergo he’s evil”, but she discounts it here.

I see makes sense


About as strong a wolf lean as I ever have halfway through d1

Meaning it could be wrong but is certainly where I want more scrutiny the most

I haven’t been here for long but I feel like Leafia’s posts have no soul.

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Anyone confirmed town?