FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

VOTE: Leafia

Last time it was my right shoulder

I have a mental problem where if you put me in a competitive game I’m incapable of not playing to win

I’m really trying to build a healthier relationship to games and have them be my hobby and not my career LOL which is why I’m on lighthearted forum mafia games instead of like. league of legends

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Going to assume this is a pressure vote and ignore it.

“i’ve learned how to actually read him”

yeah well the game three night 1 guesses spreadsheet says otherwise.

anyway I mostly think this back and forth is unproductive because it’s blocking both of you from doing shit that’s more important and at least one of you is town so.


Leafia is so effortlessly wolfy in every post it’s quite frustrating

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i have a confession tbh

we will simply collate everyone’s top townreads and have them sign up for events. this doesn’t even seem difficult. like this isn’t like trying to coordinate random IRL people, this is literally everyone is in the same thread and not allowed to post outside of that thread. this should be the single easiest context in which to coordinate ever

you’re gay?

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confess b4 i go to sleep pls

I can say something to you and you can guess my number.

for example;

0 Forgettable - My first kiss - Memorable 100

Blatently false.


you’re an outed wolf??

well that too yeah

luxy is mafia and leafia is town

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There’s enough “well, I know for sure I’m town, so I’d rather join an event over a wolf” around that not only do people, you know, actually join events even if they’re told not to… wolves will also be able to hide under that cover and join events they’re told not to (even if it gets them somewhat suspected), and if the WOLVES will join events freely, that makes it even more worth to join events when you’re out of towncore (cause otherwise the wolves get prizes), and therefore why NOT join an event so a wolf doesn’t get a slot, incresaing the mindset and therefore giving wolves even more cover,

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Hmmm, 77?

Don’t worry I still TR you it’s just frustrating

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guessing 94