FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

but generally if I get into the weeds coding I forget about everything else, so be warned

you don’t feel honest to me for some reason it feels like you want to be seen as doing something rather than actually doing something

I don’t like when people are upset and I think it’s meaningful and useful to make people stop being upset

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no i’m going to sleep.

I don’t really have any strong scumreads. I was planning on finding all town and poe-ing the rest of the game. seems way easier. a lot of wolves are prolly just struggling while we’re just talking out of our asses here.

and by “into the weeds” I mean bashing my head into the wall trying to make a project/challenge work out

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Threadstate feels stale and I don’t particularly like any wagons at the moment, so I’m just going to throw my reads out there again.


Achro (I’m being cautious with this one).

Brad (meta is weird but people think he’s not as bad anymore?)
A lot of other people I’m feeling quite null on as well.

Brakuren? (May be town I’m quite conflicted and I keep flipping on this slot)

I’ve definitely missed a few here that I’ve interacted with but the playerlist is so long.

Please ask me questions, but a lot of these are just based off vibes

“heartbreaking, the person you’re wolfreading is making a good point”

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silverkeith feels so wolfy to me

bro you are not gonna POE an 80 player game

I mean someone saying “we can’t effectively coordinate this for reasons xyz” is legit

It’s people saying “I’m not gonna do that because it’s not fun” that doesn’t read as legit to me

If you don’t find the event signup system fun then I’d say just like feedback to hosts so they can change it to something you do find fun. If you disagree that controlling signups is optimal under the current system, fine, that’s valid to disagree. It’s if you agree with me that it is optimal to control sign ups but you just don’t wanna, that’s what I will read as wolfy

Firinn, regardless of alignment (and ze’s one of my top townreads!), is clearly frustrated by the fact that we’re not coordinating event submissions. I find it useful and meaningful to explain why event submissions are not typically coordinated

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catbae is hacking my computer :frowning:

I was like “who are you why do you know my name”

Then realized you’re star

The single person doing the most work to handle summaries is wanting to be seen as doing something rather than actually doing something?

You sure that’s the accusation you want to make?

Yeah, fair enough. Ultimately the thing about an 80 player game at this scale is that it’s not gonna be super competitive, because the volume of content and stuff to do and interfering factors mean it’s far too much for any player to, like, individually read every single person in the game, for example. People who wanna be ruthless will usually bring that ruthlessness to smaller games. There’s a lot out of your control in mashes. Much to let go about


the point is not to poe the entire game is just be like well these 50 people are really townie, sure we got some wolves hidden there, but out of the remaining 30, who has the highest likeliest of being a wolf?

most of the times in mashes you reach like d3 and have a general impression of what ppl did and yeah some are townie some are controversial

but then you get to like 15 players who you just have nothing to say about barely any thoughts on they’re jst there and more often than not like half of them are just wolves.

then you repeat the process.

box the wolves.

if you can’t just use a bigger box.

it’s that easy i swear.

Man I’m sorry to say this but you’re basically proposing communism

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its suboptimal for it to be coordinated because it can lead to feelings of negative morale, discouragement, and general disatisifcation among town players who are excluded and generally dampen the mood of the team. By encouraging an unfair distribution in a heirarchal structure, you perpetuate feelings of despair and discouragement among the disenfranchised which can cause town apathy and stagnate the thread state into one where town struggle to find or work with each other. Your desire for order and control feels likely to come from mafia who feel a need to dominate thread direction. I do not feel like you are acting in our best interests.

New Guild Unlocked:

Literally Communism

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I left my computer charger at school… i have to go all the way fucking back