FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


the point is not to poe the entire game is just be like well these 50 people are really townie, sure we got some wolves hidden there, but out of the remaining 30, who has the highest likeliest of being a wolf?

most of the times in mashes you reach like d3 and have a general impression of what ppl did and yeah some are townie some are controversial

but then you get to like 15 players who you just have nothing to say about barely any thoughts on they’re jst there and more often than not like half of them are just wolves.

then you repeat the process.

box the wolves.

if you can’t just use a bigger box.

it’s that easy i swear.

Man I’m sorry to say this but you’re basically proposing communism

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its suboptimal for it to be coordinated because it can lead to feelings of negative morale, discouragement, and general disatisifcation among town players who are excluded and generally dampen the mood of the team. By encouraging an unfair distribution in a heirarchal structure, you perpetuate feelings of despair and discouragement among the disenfranchised which can cause town apathy and stagnate the thread state into one where town struggle to find or work with each other. Your desire for order and control feels likely to come from mafia who feel a need to dominate thread direction. I do not feel like you are acting in our best interests.

New Guild Unlocked:

Literally Communism

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I left my computer charger at school… i have to go all the way fucking back

I’m a socialist like shit’s cool events decided by the towncore are cool but it aint gonna fly we live in the capitalism era I need my stimuli I need the events you don’t fucking know what I’ve been trough

Ah. Yeah I’m not usually a good solver but I’m often a good coordinator and this seemed like a Big Special Event so I walked in expecting to play a more ruthless game than I normally play and try even harder than I’d normally try

I’m kinda getting the vibe that not everyone is on that page


What did I sumble onto. What have I been missing while doing something. So I can put my focus here now. So if anyone wants to chat about the game with me go a head I’ll try and give my thoughts on it. So I’m just going to read what I can in the mean time while sifting through the funny memes of day 1 that are bound to be there.

Every time somebody says the word despair in any context I immediately get unblockable Komaeda popup in my brain. I’ve never played a dangan ronpa


ok going to sleep for realsies have fun

Yes. Yes I am. Communism solves games

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memekingpizza town

Silver is giving me villagery vibes here that I like.

SK is town.

Yeah. This is as much social event as it is mafia game, really. They closed down the cookie thread (general social thread) for this!!! Because of N*neteen Eighty-Four!!! A large portion of people are kinda here to hang out and it’s ultimately something you have to accept in a mash. You can’t take everything on your shoulders. Even in a wolfteam… ← the firsthand experiencer

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Can people also give you villagery vibes that you don’t like?

you claim to be for communism but I feel like you are actually a capitalist sympathizer who wants to exploit the general population

VOTE: tutuu

reread the iso and agree he feels slightly stilted/generic

There’s legit 1 thing wrong on my wagon but not gonna say yet.

Sometimes you lose and get terribly owned. These things happen