FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Hazzy you can’t abbreviate it like that


please rephrase

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I kinda typed it… then regretted it.
The Ny word

I said the cat noise once by accident because I was in a rush to get a cookie

may’s daily slur quota


The thing is. At least half of the thread haven’t see this post of yours yet (probably) and it is unlikely people will backread in a 80+ game. Unless you are reminding everyone in regular intervals the events will fill with people who (never knew this) / (don’t agree with your proposition) way before other people could even talk about who will participate, and this just keep towny people away from events more, than you think it right now. (resulting wolfy people getting more prices).

And even if you repeat it regularly, it is still possible some people will miss the memo, and just join the even in the moment they see it is open.

I can’t exceed it due to the bomb collar


“I would like to play a game May”

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They closed the cookie thread I can’t make POSTS anymore


why are we playing mafia when may’s playing saw
we’re so behind



“Live or Ny* may. Make your choice”
Hello zepp plays at full volume

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i am getting off topic. i am tired.

I would ask how you were tired at 4:30, but you already explained it earlier. Feel free to get some rest earlier.

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i’m too tired to have coherent thoughts i’m actually experiencing say anything-itis right now

good night f riends

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i was going to then i realised the days were 24 hour and got a bit more stressed lol

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on one hand i dont wanna be dead weight. on the other hand i am too fucking tired to read back

no need to read back
just tell me what you know now

You’re not going to be awake until dusk every day phase, and you can’t even be sniped by an ITA yet. There’s no better time.

Would you step infront of a sniper’s red dot laser, Hazard?