FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Wtf you mean she doesn’t?

She legit said he’s thrown games before and their interaction looks clear as day there’s tension between them, especially from brak


Is atlas a player in this game? If yes, have they verbalised this read on silviu in the game yet (as far as u know)? Because if yes I’d call it a sheep yea but if this is a read established before this game started then I would call it tutuus own

Atlas is

Wait I’ll get the post


Oh im somehow top wagon with 100 posts

Cool, im going sleep

please don’t make me blush…

Btw are all ita sessions uh on the same night or day

Its funny

i am defending you from sabis push


She’s pushing me? What for?

Atlas is a player in this game, yeah

The 2nd thing I would need to check

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A mash is where u can wake up and both people u expressed town reads on, are now magically the top trains

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well the message was

you better shape up

FTR I don’t think anybody aside from sabi is voting insom for the meme lol

Wagon ing insomnia is funny

I… OK fair

It’s funny

Please do

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