FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

oh no

Proof Marluna’s town right here

im taking back my @stick tr btw i read one post and decided i dont want to



Also I wasn’t holding up any fingers.
Since nuto got it wrong, he is an AI.

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Am I crazy or are you posting in a different font somehow?

Self reminder to go back to this post later in the game.

Dang it…alright I’ll confess…

It’s pride month after all


this is hilarious nor was i

comic snas yeas

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walking into his place of worship and calling him a false idol is a good start, but unlikely to be successful.

I think the best chance to kill him today is because it is funny.
any honest read people will not follow because they are afraid they have to play on their own if he is a villager.

@neil_the_eel explain why you’re an alignment and why I’m unable to sort you into a box

he’s never substantiated his townread on her and he tends to not want to kill a strong player D1 as town

I don’t think I am likely to convince people here (although I may put together a case because her posts read like the most generic powerwolfing imaginable), but I think I have made it my policy to stick to the reads i have CONVICTION on rather than executing some random lurker

nonzero chance of w/w but that’s a far off tinfoil, achro is realistically close to null

alignment bc role pm, unsortable bc not a d1 problem and not committed to obvtowning

next step. follow me and vote stick!

the betrayal will be complete.

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also my last game was a wolf game so i forgot how to town