FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

i wasn’t even here when i got voted. so i have 0 clue

All I do day one mashes is shield my biggest tr that people want to kill.

Look at last year Anni when I shielded xanj day one.

Let me cook.

VOTE: bystander

Well you can click on their votes to see

i dont care for that, sorry

I think the new bot post it quite regularly.

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Hmmm nit V towny of you. I expected more fanfare

I can see why windward has votes. But if anyone shall explain the top vote geters that be nice because i feel like i mossed that conversation domwhere. And it cant hurt to ask to at least be semi informed.

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bys, what happened to your spf read?

also, you naked voted me then made a post towards spf that explained your read of me. which was “he wolf reads me as villa all the time, but he could be taking advantage of it as a wolf”. this doesn’t really express why you ended up voting me since you’re undecided

so what did?

Considering the fact we’re almost on thread 2 of D1, i think that’s not a bad shout. Information before we change over might be a wise idea

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Silviu/Tutuu (only 1)
An_gorta_slanktai/bystander (only 1)
^ fos in no particular order

Townie: neil Jane catbae kelsier (maybe baud? Not confident), bionic, Brad

Haven’t read spf but I feel like I should looking at the wagons

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I don’t hate it

oh, okay

I think being on the brad wagon is w/e to me, get why you dislike that though. I think her posts about her reads are pretty villagery and when I asked her to explain them she gave a good response:

I don’t agree with the May read but it feels well thought out and like someone who had a real suspicion on someone she has a degree of familiarity with




IMO these are all > rand to be town and I haven’t really gotten any negative pings from their posts

This is about Gocj btw

Because they were modposted to get six votes to get alignment checked by a rando voter

Thats the person i can understand.:aimi_cry:

Wind said they can pick who gets the message so thats good

Gorj because people felt the vote on Brad was opportunistic and don’t have a feel for anyone else/hate the other wagons

Spf because wolf