FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

u have nearly double???

no i kinda think shes wolfy too but nothing on its own has felt super outing yet


No, otherwise I’d think people wouldn’t be voting Wind :stuck_out_tongue:

It could be a modposter, if it is then it feels non-town due to the fact nobody’s stopping the Wind wagon. If it’s not a modposter then we’ll see how things go. It could be towny and it’s just a check with a condition attached to it. But it could be from a non-town with a hidden downside.

Hmmm you’re right

You are. I literally never think about what I post.before I post it regardless of alignment.

gg sorry for the rand owo

benguined and I know her.


Nah it’s fine Kii, I don’t mind the suspicion, and I appreciate that you addressed me with your concerns. I’m always willing to clarify if people ask <3

my townreads i feel good about can be found here:

my current scumreads are here:

I know you wanted depth on my reads, but if you are curious about some of those just ask me and I will explain

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I knew but we can still flip Insomnia first :hmmyes:

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can you read her iso and give a lean?

it’s really short

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My initial bystander read had nothing to do with her argument with brakuren, and having read the argument it does seem solidly NAI and I think forcing a dichotomy there when it shouldnt exist is scummy :sparkleshrug:

As I’ve already explained, my initial bystander sr was based on tone alone

That seems blatantly false but okay

Anyone does quoting here?

I had the impression it was going to last until halfway through the day as well, yeah. I think it ended early, or I misunderstood the deadline. It wasn’t just your mistake. :ghosthug:

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Let me finish the Firinn thing; been procrastinating.


Sorry I got dragged into meeting after meeting and now my brain is fried

Before anyone asks, I do have an explanation for why I’m voting achro currently. He has absolutely seen me rand town and not want to die immediately, and I don’t believe he is legitimately reading me off that reasoning. I have full faith that he knows it’s poor logic and I expect him not to be that mundane in reading me. I understand he’s burnt out and might not be at full solving capacity cause heck, neither am I, but I don’t think town achro would sit on that read seriously.

And no, I haven’t iso’d him, but that little bit of his commentary on me pinged me.

Anyway I want to be done with screen time for the day so I’ll be back close to deadline.


It isn’t. If it was, I’d be a much better player than I am. Especially when wolfing.

wind town hype

VOTE: Leafie

Feels like spf will never get lynched D1 anyway even if there are strong reasons to suspect her