FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

kind of villagey nya

i am sad that we are moving to anew thread because i will have to build up my impressive iso again

leafia is an omguser at heart its def not damning

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I give you permission

tbf she omguses as a villager too

Leafia isn’t me.
She won’t take it queitly as either alligment, when she is pushed.

I saw Jane’s reasoning

Thought it was a good one to follow

Then I voted you

Is the effect permannet

They omgusd last fam when wagoned

She was wolf

If its just for today use it on me i want to deel it , if its permanent dont

They also omgus when they town so

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Ahh ok

Leafia’s one of the most inherently wolfy players (no offence to her). She has a few different things she does plenty (and annoyingly as any alignment): Kindly Grandmother, OMGUS, LAMIST

I can edit!

Yeah I was kinda wondering if her reactiveness could be read as town, but also wondered if Leafie would also do that as a wolf

What’s kindly grandmother

Probably yes

There might be roles that can undo it idk

SPF is likely to be a villager fwiw.

If its permanent then nvm

You don’t know me at all then. I’m not about to let myself get misexed even though there’s no chance of me getting exed today. You’re also the first voter on me so don’t give me that bull about Jane’s read being the reason you voted for me. You would’ve at least mentioned that read if that was the case.