FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

ah, reads.
the one thing nobody is getting from me this game because idk how to read people

please don’t he is on my team.

Meta reads are frightening.

this read made me burst out laughing

‘solidly nulltown’

I love you atlas

do you know who SK is?

Why are you talking about two people and then voting a unrelated third


what meta are u referring to?

I just like to think my god read on creature is correct.

i think we should use a random number generator to find a first player to kill and then kill the person their flavor is based off of, so on and so forth like that one vsauce video

… Yeah I think I’ve maybe crossed paths with SK once or twice.


You’re mildly towny for not explaining why you voted me here

aggressively snatches your hand

Nah self-centeredness in that sense isn’t scummy imo (maybe even town indicative generally? Since your own alignment is the only info you have as town and it makes sense to try to use it)

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dont like may all that much
(i have a serious reason im not saying)

I ain’t gonna vote catbae again

but maybe I can do spf

VOTE: spf


good take



you listen to drake / brent ?