FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


The weirdest part of playing this mash was seeing the top wagon as somebody I didnā€™t give two thoughts about.

Did it get quiet or is my work wifi bad?


yes but are cookies useful for

a. alignments
b. guilds
c. roles

your suggestion is good for a and useless for b and c.

Thatā€™s still way too high of an expectation and thereā€™s no guarantee that a widely townread person will be in thread at that moment.

Not to mention that most of the time, there isnā€™t really anything close to a consensus top town, because most people are going to be working in their own worlds, only coming together around ITAs and EoD

Never mind hi Magnus.

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i vaguely lean town on tutuu based on gut feeling, he seems at ease, but itā€™s a very slight thing. tris i still donā€™t have a read on. Stickā€™s intro is probably >rand town because sheā€™d want to make more of a splash as mafia. SirDerps should probably be resolved by KP at some point. SilverKeith IDK about, canā€™t really click with his reads so far

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Coordinating anything other than roughly who to shoot and who to eliminate is about the best you can get out of a mash town

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i think cookies are a guild mechanic

I dont rememeber a single carbonated post.

Was that rvs troll stuff or an actual read by someone?

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You mean carbonated? I donā€™t have any impression of them tbh

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carbonated is in our circuit with ash i guarantee that vote is rvs troll. and given that thatā€™s the first vote on that wagonā€¦

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wow someone made you actually get serious wtf

itā€™s weird to me

in a game of this size. yes.

if itā€™s impossible then itā€™s impossible ig, i dont rly know local norms because iā€™m coming in from very different metas

to me i was saying a totally normal thing lol like town consensus should dictate who gets buffs and if you steal a buff without being the consensus buff receiver then you should die

hmm my updated townlist would be like:


that feels like too many townreads lol there are probably a few wolves in there

why ā€¦


Some ideas are just that bad that I have to bring out serious apo

VOTE: spf

i was going to give you time but come on