FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1



I had firinn in my towns list i swear to fuck FOL

something something “wolfy 3p hunting” something “reads i dont believe”

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It was a joke because he was jester last fam

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brad always rands jester regardless of what the rolecard says

clearly fol knows more than it’s letting on

Yeah that’s fair, especially the third quote on that wallpost

It’s a very weird conflict I don’t know how to feel about it

him playing jester was imitating his wolf meta

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apo/sadbi/gar/bystander (do the musical mash thing)/hazard (a bit)/sk/selkie have all pinged me at least once

sk/selkie because of the general activity combined with… not doing anything.

Oh right lmfao

Actually, I agree with this, it would be funny

It was a joke from last fam

go and eat something

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(katze absolutely doesn’t have a drone strike btw)

i said i dont believe the read u nerd!!

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i think it’d be a pretty fun gimmick to just be satirically toxic as hell the entire game
dont ban me


Yawn your read on me was on incorrect reading meta yawn

(now where’s my comedic death)

katze gets a drone strike if we believe