FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

where did the spf wagon go

shes still mafia

assuming that brad is mafia i think this post is towny

fuck katze is here im leaving
hi bys!!!


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im town bad read go to jail

Tbf it’s a good play on a day with no ITAs


its really not…?

is that really the case on brad? seems kinda weak


yeah that is a possibility that crossed my mind but i distinctly feel like he does not give that read on spf he gave here if that is the case

leafia majorly pushes her partners as scum
i think thats more likely, mhm

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Ah thank you!

Are you saying you think their reads are being given to them by teammates?

i think this is like my second game with you? @katze first one being years ago and i dont remember any of it. wasnt it that troll game from mac, the WWE game. NPC game


(i pronounced that anyway in Joe Biden’s voice in my head as i was writing it)

wild to play mafia with you. for some reason i thought you’d be this very scary battle scarred veteran. champs winner and all. but ur like this soft UwU cuddle wuddle gooshy wooshy headpatter. i think it’s the “:3”. people who write “:3” are definitely on the softer end

yeah it is actually

cause if brad is in fact mafia who is being outed/dogiled by a bunch of ppl who know how to read him, i think it’s ~Out of the loop in a towny way for leafia to say that these votes might make brad town

it’s a defense that a wolf usually doesnt give to their partner who is being bandwagoned




I think hes a better turbo player than forum mafia player just because he doesn’t have the long phase lengths to freeze up as mafia and polarize himself

no. I am saying they are copying others in thread
Although there is a potential they are being lead

I found last game intended to, I let myself find town reads kinda easily but went in on the ppl I scum read strongly and tended to be right (lemon, Lyra, twice)

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