FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

firinn idk if i can townread you anymore

So is the reason youā€™re wolfreading them the fact that you disagree with their reads, or that their reads are copying others in thread, Iā€™m a little confused at what youā€™re getting at

i would never play league of legends

i wa sjust saying im def capable of being toxic and scary. i dont like doing it but emotions are stupid anyway

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What, easily town reading ppl? Um hello he does that as town easily lol

mildly towny shitposting

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Thats what they want you to think, dont let them deceive you. Inside they are cold, calculating and very experience mafia player, thats how they won the champs.

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oh ty


Those are certainly 14 bradland posts

I can only think of one instance where Brad froze up as town and I was dead sure he was a wolf
All the other times he was a wolf, Iā€™ve even wolfread him in games where he managed to break his meta and post more
But Iā€™ve also bussed him in games where he did that, too, and my guess is just that because this is a mash with a lot of players, heā€™s more likely to freeze as a wolf than be able to post his way out of it, and judging by the quick pileup heā€™s the designated bus already
which is why I said not to read into the votes, I think even the earliest voters can be bussing him for more credit. I remember wolfing with him where he said he was gonna have trouble keeping up with posting and didnā€™t mind being bussed.

lmao i missed those posts thats town yeah

i dont think those posts make him a villager I just think that this case is being blown out of proportion gira

wtf u openly admit to lying in a game about being 100% truthful

From the little bit Iā€™m seeing I agree

I disagree with their reads is the prime factor
But most of my suspicion comes from the latter

itā€™s possible for brad to be town - itā€™s within his townrange to memepost/slank, and he has a wider wolfrange than he gets credit for

i do feel that him entering the thread and posting some (imo) kind of awkward memes/jokes and then posting a weird tr on me and immediately dipping from the thread is wolfy behavior for him, though

so heā€™s not #Outed, but i think his play so far is more likely to come from brad as a wolf

Yeah I totally agree with you on this

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im gonna go home

side tangent, but

i canā€™t explain it, but my ā€œnaturalā€ tone/vibe detector just bitches about anything that ends with ~ or goes with the whole ā€œcuteā€ vibe 99 out of 100 times and itā€™s really weird

good news, giving me your super like is optimal because every time i get a super like, my team (the mafia) gains 5 Nightkills, permanently! This is good for town because it means more people will die at night, which means that there will be less posting going on! So vote me for president! I mean, give me your super likes! I always live up to my campaign promises!