FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

probably town, tutuu spent way too much time trying to provide nuance for it to be partnered with may not being in any wagon danger.

everyone fucking hates tutuu

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gut impulse is manny is town being lazy but don’t take that to the bank more than anything

I’m mostly making fun of you for thinking FoLers wouldn’t like the post that says “like this post if you are gay” in big rainbow letters

I at least find it wolfy

Is there a dislike button for posts

During pride month, even.

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anyway I am going cross eyed so it is time for me to depart, hopefully there’s some fun event for me to join when I wake up gn


It would appear a lot of people are big fans of my May read. They liked it so much, that they are even envious of me. They think I’m too towny to be town. LOL!!!

With that said, this is the PERFECT moment for me to dip from the thread!


That would be a good post

During pride month!

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Especially when she’s attempting to profile the “Best 2023 Scum Player”


Also Jesus fuck “I hate this post, I hate it I hate it”

That feels like one of those overdramatic theaters in school’s talent shows

UNDESERVED award want to be clear here


may only won that because I couldn’t win it two years in a row



ur a wolf

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That’s why the award was undeserved!

Agree tuutuu wolf

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frozen mafia

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