FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


ā€¦ thereā€™s no way

nice crossposts

??? What

Agreed. I mean weā€™ll see how things go but so far heā€™s got enough confusion and his posts donā€™t sound frozen. But itā€™d be a bit early for that.

Or well, my best chance will be during tomorrow after noon when I donā€™t have work or sleep

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I have read one cape post and decided he is town

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VOTE: atlas

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Life sucks

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@Kanave if i die cause of your stupid question i swear to god

What the hell is going on anyway?

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me fr

i read ur first post and decided i hated it and that you are outed mafia.

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I donā€™t think hazard is particularly scummy but itā€™s the first 20 minutes of the game so w/e

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i have voted sabi and they have not yet claimed

wolfy imo

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achromatic is in the game? wtf

thereā€™s like
probably something in Atlas immediately taking the game seriously
I would have to review the posts she looked at to decide if it makes sense tho

i dont know who you are but i fucking love you and will defend you with my life

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